My Goldmine & Coco Account
My Goldmine & Coco Account
I have multiple accounts with different email addresses, can they be combined?
Unfortunately, we are unable to combine your accounts. To ensure you earn your points for future purchases, you will need to use one email address.
How do I get rewards?
You accumulate points by purchasing from Goldmine & Coco and they may be redeemed for through our loyalty and referral program by redeeming your points for a cash value taken off your order when entered at checkout.
How do I add my birthday to my Goldmine & Coco account?
To add your birthday to your account please use the following steps:
1. Login to the website.
2. Go to Rewards (This will be found in the bottom right corner.)
3. Go to 'Ways to Earn'
4. Next to 'Celebrate Your Birthday' you will select 'Edit Date'
5. Put in your birth date and press the 'Save' button.
On your birthday you will receive 200 coins, which is equals to $5 off.
How do I find my Goldmine & Coco purchase history?
Information for past Goldmine & Coco orders may be found in your account purchase history or by using our app. If you need to find information regarding a past Goldmine & Coco purchase, we recommend referencing your order confirmation emails or contacting our Customer Service Specialist at
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